3rd International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency

November, 10-12 2021
Lipetsk, Russia

Hosting Insitution

Technical co-sponsors

Under the Auspices of

Media Partners


Scientific program includes topics of interest that consist of, but are not limited to:

I. Industrial Applied Mathematics and Modeling

Mathematical Foundations of Control Theory; Control of Organizational and Socio-Economic Systems; Machine Learning

II. Automation

Industrial Automation and Control Theory applying to Technological Processes; Digitalization in Industrial, Economic and Social Systems; Metals and Mining Industry; Transportation Systems

III. Industrial and Commercial Power and Power Conversion Systems

Energy Systems and Power Systems Engineering: Electric Machines and Industrial Drives; Power Electronic Devices and Components


Lipetsk State Technical University, 398055 Russia Lipetsk, Moskovskaya str., 30
Email: summa@stu.lipetsk.ru

Keynote Speakers

The working language of the conference is English. Selected and extended version of the papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in Computation journal.

Please make sure that only original unpublished contributions are being submitted.

Prospective participants are requested to submit full papers of their work (limitation is 6 pages). It is strongly recommended to use the set of IEEE official proceedings templates. We ask you not to modify the style or the format.

Note that each participant has to be author or co-author no more than three papers.
Please use EasyChair system for electronical submission of your contributions.

Each paper will be blindly reviewed by three reviewers.
Accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.


The fee includes publication of one paper, access to all sessions, printed programme book and coffee breaks. Registration fee does not include visa support, travel expenses, accommodation and meals. Accommodation and all additional services are to be paid by participants.

Conference fee in euro

For non-IEEE members 90 EUR
For IEEE members 70 EUR
For IEEE IES and IAS members 60 EUR

Conference fee in rubles (only for participants from Russia)

For non-IEEE members 7500 RUB
For IEEE members 6000 RUB
For IEEE IES and IAS members 5300 RUB